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E-Resources-Course Reserve


Roll Over Lists

Library Course Materials course roll over enables faculty to use existing courses and their associated reading lists for the next semester or academic year. During the roll over, existing reading lists are copied and become the new reading lists that are assigned to the new courses. 

  • To begin a roll over, navigate to the "My Lists" page within Library Course Materials.
  • Select the ellipsis, to the right of the course you would like to roll over.
  • When a reading list is rolled over to a new course it will no longer be accessible to students in the previous course.
  • Once you roll over please make sure to let the library staff know, so they can delete the old list.

How to Roll Over Reading List

  1. Click on the new course
  2. Click on Content
  3. Click on the PNW Leganto Module
    1. If the module isn’t there, please see the tab titled “adding Leganto Module/Creating list”
  4. Toward the bottom of the screen, you will see a button titled “Roll Over”


5. Begin typing the course code of the existing course you would like to roll the Reading List over from and select the course.


6. Adjust the Reading List Name by removing Rolled Over from the title.



7. Select “Roll Over” at the bottom

8. A window will pop up confirming the roll over.

9.  Click “OK” to confirm the roll over.

10. Click Library Review

11. Click Publish when ready to share with students