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The default search is to the advanced search screen, which contains a single search box. For more detailed searches, use the multi-field search, which will allow for searching several terms in multiple search boxes:
In the Multi-Field search, one can designate where a specific term appears in the document by selecting an option in the All Fields drop down menu. Available options include: All Fields, Author, Date Created, Heading Word, MeSH Subject Headings, Publication Type, Subject Area Node, Title, and Year of Publication.
To be able to search by publication type, publication year, and search node in the Multi-Field search, select the Limits option.
One search feature allows users to search by search node, or subject specialty. The available search nodes are:
Aged Care, Burns Care, Cancer Care, Chronic Disease, Diagnostic Imaging, Emergency and Trauma, General Medicine, Health Management and Assessment, Infection Control, Mental Health, Midwifery Care, Pediatrics, Rehabilitation, Surgical Services, Tropical and Infectious Disease and Wound Healing and Management.
Searching by this feature is optional. To search within a node, select the option in the subject area nodes menu: