A literature search is a systematic discovery of text to inform and propel further research for knowledge creation.
- A literature search both answers and gives rise to questions
- A literature search is a process that is iterative and ongoing - not an isolated action
- A literature search must result in you becoming familiar with a body of knowledge.
- know the terminology of your research topic
- know foundational articles of your research topic
- know the researchers of your research topic
- know the important journals of research topic
- know some of the unanswered questions of your research topic
- A literature research looks at different types of information sources: books, articles, chapters, and thesis & dissertations
- A literature search must be comprehensive: do not use just one search tool or database
- A literature search must uncover the relationships between documents, knowledge, and people
- The literature search becomes the basis for future searching
- Searching only improves after you have read and reflected on what you have found previously.
- Comprehensive searching requires that you adjust and modify your searching based on results
- A one shot search is inadequate for comprehensive literature review