African American Women Writers of the 19th Century
This is a digital collection of approximately 52 published works by 19th century black women writers. A part of the Digital Schomburg, this collection provides access to the thought, perspectives, and creative abilities of black women as captured in books and pamphlets published prior to 1920.
American Literature Classics Library
A free library of over 400 classic American books and novels.
American Memory - Arts and Literature
American Memory provides open access to full text historical documents and materials from the Library of Congress. Represented are all areas of American study including the country's rich cultural and literacy legacy. Some of the country's most influential writers and artists are represented.
Center for Faulkner Studies
The Center for Faulkner Studies started at Southeast Missouri State University in 1989 is devoted to the study of William Faulkner.
The Charles Chesnutt Digital Archive
This site offers an extensive collection of works by Chesnutt, including novels, short stories, essays, reviews, and poems.
Chronicling America
You can search select historic American Newspaper pages from 1789-1943. This digitization project is a partnership between the National Endowment of the Humanities and the Library of Congress.
Crossroads: An American Literature Hypertext Site
This site from the University of Virginia contains information about and texts by Henry Adams, Sherwood Anderson, Stephen Crane, Theodore Dreiser, Harriet Beecher Stowe and Harriet Wilson among others.
Dickinson Electronic Archives
A repository for the study of resources related to Emily Dickinson. Includes writings by the Dickinson family, teaching with the archives, responses to Dickinson's writings, and critical resources.
Digital Thoreau
Digital Thoreau is a resource dedicated to promoting the deliberate reading of Thoreau's works in new ways that take advantage of technology to illuminate his creative process and facilitate thoughtful conversations about his words and ideas.
Documenting the American South
Documenting the American South (DocSouth) is a digital publishing initiative that provides Internet access to texts, images, and audio files related to southern history, literature, and culture.
Early American Digital Archive
A collection of electronic texts originally written in or about the Americas from 1492 to approximately 1820.
Edith Wharton Society
Provides biographical and chronological information and links to full text, novels, stories and poetry.
The Electronic Text Center
The Electronic Text Center, a humanities computing initiative at the University of Virginia, contains English verse drama including masques, short dramatic pieces and works for children from the late thirteenth century to the end of the nineteenth century; English poetry from Anglo-Saxon times to the end of the nineteenth century by writers from the British Isles; and American Poetry from the colonial period to the early twentieth century.
Emily Dickinson Archive
An open- access website for the manuscripts of Emily Dickinson.
Emory Women Writers Resource Project
The Emory Women Writers Resource Project is a collection of edited and unedited texts by women writing in English from the seventeenth century through the nineteenth century.
The Ernest Hemingway Collection
This collection at the JFK Presidential Library holds 90% of Hemingway's original manuscripts, has several Hemingway pictures, and links to other resources.
Evans Early American Imprint Collection
Critical to the study of every aspect of early America, his collection contains virtually every known book, pamphlet and broadside published in America between 1640 and the first two decades of the 19th century—more than 75,000 printed items in all. The texts are freely available but access to images is restricted to authorized users.
Langston Hughes National Poetry Project
This project began as part of the centennial celebration of Langston Hughes's life and work (1902–2002). It involves a series of public poetry and book discussion programs and an accompanying website.
Mark Twain Project
The Mark Twain Project offers access to writings of Mark Twain including letters, texts, and documents.
The Martha Heasley Cox Center for Steinbeck Studies
This site at San Jose State University is the only research archive in the world that is devoted to Steinbeck's life and works. It promotes Steinbeck's goals of empathy and understanding by supporting education, inquiry and the literary arts.
The Online Books Page
The Online Books Page is an index of e-texts available on the internet. It lists over 2 million books and can be searched by author, title, and subject. It also lists freely accessible archives of serials such as magazines, journals, and newspapers.
The Reader's Thoreau
The Reader's Thoreau is the online community for Digital Thoreau.
The Transcendentalists
Contains links to materials on the internet for Emerson, Thoreau, Fuller, and others.
The Walt Whitman Archive
The archive aims to make Whitman's works freely and conveniently available to scholars, students, and the general public. It is the most comprehensive record of works by and about Whitman.
The Willa Cather Archive
A project of the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, the archive provides digital editions of Cather's texts and scholarship free to users. Contains books, essays, interviews, speeches, public letters, photographs, and more.
Wright American Fiction
A bibliography of American Fiction for the years 1851-1875 created by Lyle H. Wright, a librarian at the Huntington Library in San Marino, CA. This collection of 2,887 titles provides insight into American literature, culture, and history.