Peer Reviewed Scholarly Refereed Juried
Affiliated with an association,
society, or corporate body
Uses specialized or technical vocabulary
Usually multiple authors
Lengthy articles
Few advertisements
Somewhat narrow audience
Read by researchers and scholars
Articles reviewed before publication
Page numbers consecutive throughout the year
Not found on grocery/drug
store magazine rack
Titles usually begin with Journal, Studies, Reviews, Proceedings, Society, Annals
Journal of Pediatrics Annals of Internal Medicine Proceedings of the IEEE
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
Consumer Popular
Not affiliated with any association, society, or corporate body
Uses every day, sensationalist, or journalistic language
Usually single authors
Short articles
Many colored advertisements
Very broad audience
Read by general public
Articles printed at discretion of editor: could be biased
Each new issue begins with page 1
Commonly found in grocery/drug store magazine rack
Popular Titles
Time Newsweek People Rolling Stone Vogue
Distributed by specific industry
Uses jargon or technical terminology
Usually single authors
Short articles
Advertisements specific to interests in the trade
Very narrow audience
Read only by those in field or industry
Articles pertain to particular industry or field
Each new issue begins with page 1 Not found on grocery/drug store magazine rack
Titles usually depict the industry or field that they serve.
Broadcasting & Cable
Info World Nation’s Restaurant News Advertising Age