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OCLC Reciprocal Faculty Borrowing Program


These libraries are not part of the Reciprocal Borrowing Program but have indicated that they are open to PNW Faculty using their resources. 

Name Policy
Colorado State University  Not part of the program but is open to everyone
Rice University Visiting professors are of course welcome to visit anytime and scan material that may be of interest to them.
Université Laval  If someone is planning to visit our campus, we have agreements with faculties for invited teachers or students. We can emit temporary library cards for these cases.
University of New Hampshire Not part of the program but is open to everyone
University of Louisville  Any faculty member from an accredited university or college can request a visiting academic borrower’s card from our Access and User Services Department. We prefer that faculty who need this service email us ahead of time so we can pre-create a card and computer login (if you have someone who is asking, please have them email me directly).
University of Akron  We are primarily set up to assist visiting patrons from Ohio libraries, but anyone with a Government-issued ID can request a library card.