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Social Work 464

Social Work related Journals-on the web


Article Evaluation (Websites vs. Academic Article)

Resource Types

Types of Journals

Popular Journal

Authors: Reporters, Magazine staff, Freelance Writers

Audience: General Public

Purpose: Inform, entertain, cover special interests

Content: Personalities, news, and general interest articles

Language: Non-technical

Articles: Brief, providing broad overviews

Review Process: No Formal peer review process, reviewed by editors on staff

Bibliography: Articles rarely include references



Authors: Practitioners, Educators, Specialists within the profession or trade

Audience: Professional in the fields, Researchers, and students

Purpose: Provide information and news to practitioners in a profession

Content: New trends, techniques, and organizational news

Language: Technical terminology of the profession

Articles: Length varies

Review Process: Includes some peer-review periodicals, most are reviewed by editors (often professionals in the field)

Bibliography: Occasionally cite sources


Scholarly Journal

Authors: Scholars, Researchers, Experts in the Field

Audience: Researchers, Scholars, Students

Purpose: Inform, report, and share original research and experimentation with the rest of the scholarly world

Content: Research results, methodology, and theory

Language: Terminology and language of the discipline, the reader is assumed to have a similar background

Articles: Lengthy, providing in-depth analysis

Review Process: Reviewed by a board of experts in the field (refereed) or by the author’s peers (peer-reviewed)

Bibliography: References/ Bibliographies are always included. Bibliographies or endnotes are informal style