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Nursing: Evidence-Based Practice: Home

This guide provided information on evidence-based practice in nursing.

EBP Defined

Evidence Based Practice in nursing can be defined as:

The integration of
best research evidence
with clinical expertise
and patient values.

Source: Sackett, D.L., Rosenberg, W.M., Gray, J.A., Haynes, R.B., & Richardson, W.S. (1996). Evidence based medicine: What it is and what it isn’t. BMJ : British Medical Journal, 312(7023), 71–72.

EBP Process

The evidence-based practice process consists of five phases often represented as the “five As.”

The five As of evidence-based practice are:

1. Ask a clear clinical question

2. Acquire best available evidence

3. Appraise evidence for quality

4. Apply evidence to practice

5. Assess the outcomes

Explore this guide to learn more about the library services and resources that can help you meet your evidence-based practice needs.

Evidence-Based Practice

This guide provides information and resources to assist with evidence-based practice research.  Review this page for more background information on evidence-based health care practice in nursing.  Click on the tabs above for the following:

PICO & PICo Questions-Learn how to form a strong clinical question to guide your research.

Acquiring Evidence-Find out how to apply a database search strategy and which types of evidence you should consult.

Evidence Levels, Recommendations & Types-See information on levels of evidence, Grades of Recommendation, and key definitions of study designs.

Databases & Research Resources-Access library databases, grey literature resources, clinical guidelines websites.

Evidence Appraisal Resources-Link to appraisal tools from many sources, including Joanna Briggs Institute.

Evidence-Based Medicine Triad Model

The Evidence-Based Medicine Triad Model shows how evidence-based health care is the combination of clinical expertise, patient values and expectations, and best external evidence. 

EBM Triad Model

Source: Source: Florida State University, College of Medicine

The Joanna Briggs Institute Model

JBI’s model of Evidence-based practice presents a cyclical process that includes evidence generation, synthesis, transfer, utilization, and context within global health. More information on the JBI Model can be found here.


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