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Purdue University Northwest Archives and Special Collections

Purdue University Northwest (PNW) Archives and Special Collections mission is to identify, collect, preserve, and make accessible to researchers materials pertaining to the history of PNW.

Citing Your Sources

Citing Your Research

It is important to cite primary source materials as completely as possible in order for researchers to be able to find the item again. However, citing archival materials can be complicated.  In general, the following information is expected:

  1. author (if applicable)

  2. title of the item (or description)

  3. date of the item

  4. collection

  5. box number and file name

  6. repository name (Purdue University Northwest Archives, Hammond Campus or Westville Campus, Hammond, In or Westville, In 

Some examples:


Jones, John. Letter to the Chancellor.  15 September 1995. Purdue Calumet Collection, Box 1, File 1. Purdue University Northwest Archives, University Library, Hammond, Indiana

Meeting Minutes

Curriculum Committee minutes. 5 May 2014. Curriculum Committee Collection, Box 1, File 1. Purdue University Northwest Archives, Hammond Campus,  Hammond, Indiana


"Basketball Team." c. 2005. Photographs, University Photograph Collection, Box 1, File 6. Purdue University Northwest Archives, Westville Campus, Westville, Indiana


Jones, John. "Lunch with the Chancellor." Honors College Newsletter. Spring 2014. Student Publications Collection, Box 1, File 1. Purdue University Northwest, Hammond Campus, Hammond, Indiana

Quick Links

·  Library of Congress - Citing Primary Sources

·  Purdue OWL - Guide to Research and Citation

·  A Fair(y) Use Tale - a Guide to Copyright and Fair Use