Purdue University Library Laptop Loan Program Regulations
What to Expect when Borrowing:
The library has a set number of Dell Laptops and Dell Chromebooks, that are loaned
Only current PNW students with no library blocks or fees can borrow a laptop.
Laptops will include a power adapter with a cord.
Loans are on a first-come, first-served basis.
The loan period is for one semester regardless of when it’s checked out during the semester.
Only one laptop can be checked out per student.
Please do not take this equipment out of the country
Students can request to be placed on a waiting list once all laptops have been loaned.
One renewal is allowed provided the laptop is not due for software upgrades/ re-imagining. Must renew in person with the laptop.
Students are responsible for any/all equipment that is missing, damaged, lost or stolen.
- Students who do not return the laptop will be billed up to $1000 for the replacement fee 14 days after the due date, $100 of the replacement fee is nonrefundable
- A laptop not returned 30 days after the due date will result in no refund. The laptop could result in being locked down
Students will not be allowed to check out another laptop until payment has been received for replacement or damaged fees.
By checking out the laptop you agree to the laptop loan regulations (a copy is also available by scanning the QR code on the laptop).
Things to Remember While Using:
We strongly advise you not to leave the laptop unattended.
If stolen or lost, you will be responsible for the laptop’s replacement cost.
Do not attempt to repair the laptop yourself. Report any problems immediately to the library.
If damaged, you will be responsible for any fees.
Where Should I Return:
Laptop and power adapter with cord must be returned at the same time.
If the laptop is not returned on its due date, replacement fees will be assessed.