There may be browser compatibility issues with some databases. Sometimes you will see an error message or not be able to access database. One possible solution for this would be to switch browsers or possibility update your browser. There have been issues with ASTM International Digital Library and Knovel databases
If you get too many results—
If your search does not yield enough results---
Library electronic journals and databases are accessible from off-campus. When searching for electronic journals and databases from off-campus, a login screen will ask for your username and password. Your username and password is your Career Account username and password (the same credentials you use to log in to campus workstations).
If you’ve already searched databases, eJournals, and Primo, and still can’t find the full-text of an article, place a request via interlibrary loan service. Requests typically take 7-10 days to be filled. Articles will be sent in pdf format to your ILL account. They will remain in the account for 30 days. It’s your responsibility to retrieve, print or save the article.