EBSCO’s extensive collection of eBook titles on EBSCOhost allows for a comprehensive and powerful search experience—with every search, relevant eBook titles will appear directly alongside your other EBSCO databases, exposing users to the full depth of your library’s offerings and increasing usage and visibility of your library’s entire collection.
Before downloading an eBook users will need to set up a personal folder. To set up a personal folder you will want to click “Sign In” which is located in the top right corner of the database. After setting that up you should have no problem downloading eBooks. Also another thing to note is that you will need Adobe Digital Editions software on your PC to view the eBook.
Online reference library provides advanced searching and full-text of hundreds of dictionaries and encyclopedias in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Cross-reference links and interactive concept maps provide answers and enable further exploration of topics. Images include 17,000 works of art from the Bridgeman Art Library Archive.