There may be browser compatibility issues with some databases. Sometimes you will see an error message or not be able to access database. One possible solution for this would be to switch browsers or possibility update your browser. There have been issues with ASTM International Digital Library and Knovel databases
Formerly NetLibrary, now administered by EBSCO. A collection of 59,000+ full-text electronic books on a wide variety of subjects. The collection may be searched by title, author, subject, keyword, or full-text.
Before downloading an eBook users will need to set up a personal folder. To set up a personal folder you will want to click “Sign In” which is located in the top right corner of the database. After setting that up you should have no problem downloading eBooks. Also another thing to note is that you will need Adobe Digital Editions software on your PC to view the eBook.
Engineering information and data analytics.
Knovel provides numerical and tabular data from leading engineering and science resources, including handbooks and encyclopedias. Some tables are interactively searchable.
Taylor & Francis eBooks is the new single destination platform containing over 90,000 authoritative eBooks. This platform offers a single point of discovery for our Taylor & Franics and CRCnetBase eBooks, improved search and discovery of content at the book and chapter level, a dashboard with data visualization of usage, denials, and most popular books, and much more. You can find eBooks mostly related to engineering, technology, computer sciences, and mathematics. After starting your search check the box next to "Show content I have access to" to see full-text.
The IET Digital Library is a global repository of science, engineering and technology focused content produced by the world’s leading international scientific organisation and thought leader – the IET. Online access to the IET Digital Library unlocks an unsurpassed body of work of more than 174,000 technical papers and around 8,676 eBook chapters from 1994 onwards for all IET journals, magazines, conference publications and seminar digests. Approximately 450 new documents are added to the IET Digital Library each month and this number will increase as we introduce ‘article by article’ publishing, ensuring that articles are available to subscribers at the earliest opportunity, without having to wait for the fully published journal issue to be made available online.