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Marketing Channels - Hammond Campus

Guide for marketing channels project

Questions to ask during Industry Research

  1. What Industry is my Company in?
  2. How is the industry organized? A few big firms? Lots of small firms?
  3. Who are your companies competitors?
  4. Who are the industry leaders?
  5. What is the industry jargon?
  6. What are hot topics within the industry?


Industry information

Industry Information

There several different approaches to searching for industry information.  The NAICS code for each industry can be used to search databases as well as the Economic Census. The NAICS number for your industry allows you to zero in on industry specific data.  


Finding Industry Information in ABI/Inform

Use the browse link at the top of ABI/Inform to focus on industry information. Both First Research and Just-Series Market Research Reports are great sources of industry information. You will need to search by industry name in First Research and use the browse tab in Just-Series Market Research Reports.

Browse link in ABI/Inform

links to First Research and Just series Market  Research



Search industry title in First Research Reports

search first research by industry title



Use the Browse by industry tab in Just-Series Market Research reports