Biology 107
Sammy Chapman, Science and Business Librarian
Library Research Homework
1. Find the journal Cell.
a.) What database is it available from? _____________________
b.) Is it available in full text? Yes or No
b.) What year is the most recent issue? __________
2. Who wrote the book The beak of the finch: a story of evolution in our time?
a.) What year was it published? ___________
b.) Circle where it is located in the library - Stacks or TERC?
c.) Circle the status of the book - Available or Checked Out?
d.) What is one of the book’s subject headings? _____________________________
3. In which call number area of the Library will you find books on Ecology?
4. Go find a print journal related to science and published within the last12 months in the PUC Library.
a.) What is the title? ________________________________________
b.) Is it a peer-reviewed/refereed/juried journal - Yes or No?
c.) Can you borrow it from the library - Yes or No?
5. Go to Academic Search Premier and find a Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) journal article that has to do with the climate change from the last five years. Print the first page of the article. Staple it to this paper before turning it in.
a.) What is the title of the article? ________________________________________
b.) What is the title of the journal? ________________________________________
6. Go to ScienceDirect and find an electronic journal article on neuroplasticity from the last five years. Print the first page of the article. Staple it to this paper before turning it in.
a.) What is the title of the article? ________________________________________
b.) What is the title of the journal? ________________________________________