IEEE Xplore is an online delivery system providing full text access to the world's highest quality technical literature in electrical engineering, computer science, and electronics.
Compendex is the most comprehensive bibliographic database of scientific and technical engineering research available, covering all engineering disciplines. It includes citations and abstracts from engineering journals and conference proceedings. You can also search the Engineering Index Backfile (1884-1969) and the Inspec Archive (1898-1968).
Elsevier ScienceDirect is a leading scientific database offering journal articles and book chapters from more than 2,500 journals and almost 30,000 books.
The ACM Digital Library is the full-text repository of papers from publications that have been published, co-published, or co-marketed by the Association for Computing Machinery.
The SPIE Digital Library is the most extensive resource available on optics and photonics, providing unprecedented access to more than 200,000 technical papers from SPIE Journals and Conference Proceedings from 1990 to the present. More than 17,000 new technical papers are added annually.
Engineering information and data analytics.
Knovel provides numerical and tabular data from leading engineering and science resources, including handbooks and encyclopedias. Some tables are interactively searchable.
Consumer Technology Association (CTA) is a standards and trade organization for the consumer electronics industry in the US. CTA sponsors the CES each year, providing previews of products and new product announcements.
A directory, search engine, and buyers guide focused on engineering technology. It helps engineers, technicians, and tradesmen to find information and communicate with suppliers.
The database includes information about all US patents (including utility, design, reissue, plant patents and SIR documents) from the first patent issued in 1790 to the most recent issue week. Patents from January 1976 to the present offer the full searchable text, including all bibliographic data, such as the inventor's name, the patent's title, and the assignee's name; the abstract; the full description of the invention; and the claims.
The display of each patent's full-text includes a hyperlink to obtain full-page images of each page of the patent. Information from Certificates of Correction and Reexaminations is not included in the full-text database per se, but can be found as pages attached to the full-page images of the original patent. Patents from 1790 to December 1975 offer only the patent number and the current US patent classification in the text display, and can be searched only by those fields. However, this limited text display also includes a hyperlink to obtain full-page images of each page of the patent.
Locate US and international patents searching with keywords. The patents can be viewed in your browser and downloaded. While the collection is comprehensive, this may not include all published patents.