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Nursing Faculty Resources: Welcome Faculty

Embed a Lbrarian in Brightspace

There are a variety of ways that you can embed a Librarian into your Brightspace course!

  • Include your Librarian in the Email Roster so that students can access library help with just one click.      [Good option.]
  • Feature a direct link to the Library home page in your course menu or provide students with a link to the library guide for their course. This gives them quick access to databases and video tutorials! [Even better.]
  • Give the Librarian a role in your Brightspace course that allows access to syllabi, discussion boards, and assignments. This helps the Librarian know the exact nature of assignments and due dates. [Everybody wins!]
  • Collaborate with a Libraran to develop a new library guide, instructional session, or video tutorial that is customized for help with an assignment. [Teamwork at it's best!]

Each semester the Nursing Librarian is embedded in 80+ nursing classes. Join the ranks! Contact the Library or OIT for more information on embedding a Librarian in your Brightspace course.

About the Library

The library offers a wide range of online resources, including databases with various journals from which to choose articles and research studies.

To access your Library resources, please visit the homepage

Please consult your Library Liaison directly for research assistance.

If your Librarian is unavailable, please contact the Library's Reference desk at (219) 989-2676 or click on the CHAT WITH A LIBRARIAN link below to submit a question or see answers to frequently asked questions.

Library Hours

Library staff members are available to assist you during library hours

Welcome Faculty

Welcome to a page designed specifically to assist faculty in the use of Library nursing resources.

For video tips on searching databases 
♦ as part of a systematic or scoping review,
 click on the Systematic Review Videos tab. 

To access databases that are especially useful for nursing topics, try the Nursing Databases tab.     There are also tabs to help with APA citations, accessing full text, and other issues.

This page also features a list with links to the library guides that have been developed to aid students in specific courses. Be sure and get in touch with me if you'd like to make additions or improvements. 

Library Guides for Nursing Courses

These guides contain information on resources relevant to specific course assignments.

Library Liaison for Nursing Students & Faculty

Profile Photo
Marcia Keith
Student Union & Library Building: Rm 203-B
Subjects: Health, Nursing

My Hours

__________ _____ _______________
Monday 2/3 8:00-6:30 Remote


Hammond Campus
Wednesday 2/5 OFF
Thursday 2/6 8:00-5:00 Remote
Friday 2/7 8:00-4:30 Remote
Saturday 2/8 CLOSED
Sunday 2/9 12:00-5:00 Remote
__________ ____1/23_ _______________
Monday 2/10 8:00-5:00 Remote
Tuesday 2/11 11:00-8:00
Hammond Campus
Wednesday 2/12 OFF
Thursday 2/13 8:00-5:00 Remote
Friday 2/14 8:00-4:30 Remote
Saturday 2/15 CLOSED
Sunday 2/16 12:00-5:00 Remote


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