Designed for high school libraries, MAS Complete is a research database that contains full text for hundreds of popular magazines and e-books covering news, politics, science, sports, culture and more. It also includes thousands of full-text primary source documents and videos from the Associated Press.
All full text articles are assigned a reading level indicator (Lexiles). Full text is also available for 88,000 biographies and 60,000 primary source documents. Additionally, MAS Complete contains more than 540 pamphlets, nearly 150 reference books (including the Columbia Encyclopedia, the CIA World Fact Book and World Almanac + Book of Facts), an Image Collection of 91,000 photos, maps + flags, color PDF and expanded full text backfiles (back to 1975) for key magazines. is unquestionably the best resource on the Internet for career and college information. Their long list of free services includes career profiles, career videos, salary data, college profiles, information on majors and degrees, financial aid advice, and career assessment tests.
O*NET OnLine has detailed descriptions of the world of work for use by job seekers, workforce development and HR professionals, students, researchers, and more.
CareerAddict offers a list of career profiles to get a brief idea of your choice-career, such as how to acquire it and how to proceed with it as you advance in your field.
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Instant Access to Civil Engineering Formulas Fully updated and packed with more than 500 new formulas, this book offers a single compilation of all essential civil engineering formulas and equations in one easy-to-use reference. Practical, accurate data is presented in USCS and SI units for maximum convenience. Follow the calculation procedures inside Civil Engineering Formulas, Second Edition, and get precise results with minimum time and effort. Each chapter is a quick reference to a well-defined topic, including: Beams and girders Columns Piles and piling Concrete structures Timber engineering Surveying Soils and earthwork Building structures Bridges and suspension cables Highways and roads Hydraulics, drams, and waterworks Power-generation wind turbines Stormwater Wastewater treatment Reinforced concrete Green buildings Environmental protection
Sponsored by the Technical Council on Forensic Engineering of ASCE. Failure Case Studies in Civil Engineering: Structures, Foundations, and the Geoenvironment, Second Edition, provides short descriptions of 50 real-world examples of constructed works that did not perform as intended. Designed for classroom use, each case study contains a brief summary, lessons learned, and references to key sources. This new edition, which replaces the 1995 classic edited by Robin Shepherd and J. David Frost, offers expanded descriptions, additional photographs and diagrams, and updated references. It also includes new case studies, such as the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, the Charles de Gaulle Airport Terminal, and the North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Water Treatment Plant. Topics include: foundation failures; embankment, dam, and slope failures; geoenvironmental failures; bridge failures; and building failures. This book supplies valuable resource material on typical failures that can be integrated into undergraduate engineering courses. Engineering professors and their students will use this book as the basis for class discussions, a starting point for further research, and a demonstration of how each failure leads to improved engineering design and safety.
The Cambridge Handbook of Engineering Education Research is the critical reference source for the growing field of engineering education research, featuring the work of world luminaries writing to define and inform this emerging field. The Handbook draws extensively on contemporary research in the learning sciences, examining how technology affects learners and learning environments, and the role of social context in learning. Since a landmark issue of the Journal of Engineering Education (2005), in which senior scholars argued for a stronger theoretical and empirically driven agenda, engineering education has quickly emerged as a research-driven field increasing in both theoretical and empirical work drawing on many social science disciplines, disciplinary engineering knowledge, and computing. The Handbook is based on the research agenda from a series of interdisciplinary colloquia funded by the US National Science Foundation and published in the Journal of Engineering Education in October 2006.
Passing the Fundamentals of Engineering Exam is the first step toward becoming a Registered, or Professional, Engineer. The P.E. designation is a prerequisite for work as a consulting engineer, as well as for engineering management positions in many industries. This book prepares applicants who are planning to take the exam in the field of "mechanical" or "other" disciplines. It includes two mini diagnostic tests (one for each discipline) plus two full-length practice examinations with questions answered and explained for both disciplines. Prospective test takers will also find valuable brush-up chapters covering all test topics: chemistry, computational tools, dynamics, kinematics and vibrations, electricity and magnetism, engineering economy, ethics and professional practices, fluid mechanics, instrumentation and data acquisition, materials science and structure, mathematics, measurements, instrumentation and controls, mechanical design and analysis, probability and statistics, mechanics of materials, safety, health, and environment, statics, and thermodynamics and heat mass and energy transfer. Additional practice questions with answer keys and explanations follow each chapter.
Co-published by ASCE Press and the Society of Women Engineers If you think this is just another book about women's issues, think again. This one is different. Becoming Leaders: A Practical Handbook for Women in Engineering, Science, and Technology, Second Edition is intended for people interested in the advancement of their own careers or in the development of human resources in their organization. Information is given in a reader-friendly format with easy-to-find bulleted lists supported by current research in sociology, education, and psychology. This second edition includes new information on implicit bias, other factors affecting leadership success, the impact of social media, management of diversity and inclusion initiatives, and creating respectful workplaces. Professional women in STEM, and managers interested in their progress, will quickly recognize the context of many of the information bytes and see the application in their own workplaces. This handbook provides readers with action plan elements for achieving important goals--both personal and organizational. A sample organizational leadership skills checklist is included. Chapters can be read in any order, with roadmaps for students, career women, faculty, and managers. Written both to support career success and to encourage leadership self-awareness, Becoming Leaders is a book you'll turn to again and again for advice, for information, and most of all for inspiration.
Engineer a plan for career success! Careers in engineering are tremendously rewarding and offer diverse opportunities. To decide what job route is best for you, you need to develop a clear plan: What will you specialize in? Do you need an advanced degree or certificate? How will you find the right position? Careers in Engineering has the answers. Here, you'll discover all the information you need to find a satisfying and secure job doing what you love. Whether you want to work in chemical, civil, or electronic engineering, this guide will help you: Clearly understand your various career options Find the field best suited for you-from petroleum to aerospace to mechanical engineering Know what to expect when you start out Determine the education and training you'll need to stay ahead of the competition Familiarize yourself with current salaries, benefits, and the prime job prospects