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Communication 39400: Business Communication

APA Citation

APA video guide from Purdue OWL

Use this flowchart to determine when to include
DOIs, URLs, or database information for your reference
citations. The notation “Ex: 1, 2...” refers to a few
relevant examples in Chapter 7 of the 6th ed. of the
APA Publication Manual (see also pp. 188–192).

If you have bibliographic data for an item and would like to find the DOI, please use the metadata section of this form.
If you only have an article title and author, please use the article title search section of this form.
If you have the text of a bibliographic reference, please use our automatic parsing service on this page.
If you are a developer and wish to submit a raw XML query use the XML form section of this page.

Create a formatted bibliography for your paper or cite references while you write. Locate citations Microsoft Word (requires plug-in) with the Cite While You Write™ technology (patent pending). Format papers in other word processors using RTF (rich text format) files. Create an independent bibliography list that can be saved, emailed, or printed instantly

Research and Citation
Conducting Research
Using Research
APA Style
MLA Style
Chicago Manual

MLA Citation


If you use a Citation Builder

Please be aware that automatically generated citations may not provide accurate results.

If you choose to use a citation generator, like the citation tool in the database or free online citation generators, then take the time to make the necessary corrections using this MLA guide.

Remember: It is your responsibility to double-check the results!