Cornell University Library: Digital Witchcraft Collection
Free resource. "Cornell University Library’s Witchcraft Collection is part of the Library’s Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections. It contains more than 3,000 books, manuscripts, and related materials. More information about the content of the collection is available on the Collection Overview page.
Witchcraft Bibliography Project Online was begun by Jeffrey Merrick, while a student at Yale University, continued by Richard M. Golden at University of North Texas, and is now offered by Jonathan Durrant, University of Glamorgan. Focus is on early modern European witchcraft, from the Middle Ages into the 18th century, but includes materials on Salem too. Multilingual. No annotations. Chronology. Imprints back to 17th c. cited. Articles, essays, books, theses cited. Links to other web sites.
Witches in Early Modern England is a project that "designs and deploys strategically intersecting, innovative, and experimental digital tools to allow for robust searching and pattern finding within the corpus of texts relating to early modern witchcraft."
ORB, Online Reference Book for Medieval Studies contains encyclopedia information, medieval texts for classroom use, bibliographies, web links. Links here to the other principal medieval studies web sites: Labyrinth, Internet Medieval Sourcebook, Netserf, Argos, Worldwide Web Virtual Library medieval.
Internet Modern History Sourcebook is a cooperative effort of scholars to establish on the internet an online textbook source for medieval studies.
Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index covers journal articles, book reviews, and essays in books about women, sexuality, and gender during the Middle Ages. Because of the explosion of research in Women's Studies during the past two decades, scholars and students interested in women during the Middle Ages find an ever-growing flood of publications.
Early Modern England Source is designed to assist historians, and others who have an interest in history, in locating information, principally from the Internet, for the history of early modern England and Britain. Among these pages you will find information regarding recent publications, resources for research, reviews and abstracts.
Gods and Scholars Cornell University Library hosts Gods and Scholars, an online exhibition of diverse archival material on religion. Browse this collection, which includes religious texts, art, objects, and architecture, by a variety of themes, including the The Study and Practice of Religion, Witchcraft and Witch Hunts, and Reformation. Cornell has a noted witchcraft collection.
Salem Witch Museum In Salem, Mass.
Salem Witch Trials Documentary Archive and Transcription Project Site lists a series of links that open to maps, letters, court documents, sermons, literature, etc. which paint a vivid portrait of this notorious episode of American history. Documents & Transcriptions collects links to court transcripts, records, and miscellaneous files from a variety of regional archives. Users can access such items as digital transcripts of individual case files (depositions, interrogations, indictments, etc.), petitions, expense accounts, and bills. Historical Maps lists links to contemporary maps of Salem Village and neighboring areas. Archival Collections organizes documents by sources such as the Massachusetts Historical Society and the Boston Public Library. Contemporary Books links to selected literature of the trials and witchcraft in general. Developed by University of Virginia.
Salem Witchcraft Site Tulane University.
History of Witchcraft, a Magical Podcast of Witch Crazes and Moral Panics.
Prof. Pavlac's Women's History Resource, European Witch Hunts