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NUR 39000: Nursing Research: Home

Information about library resources for students enrolled in Nursing 39000

About the Library

The library offers a wide range of online resources, including databases with various journals from which to choose articles and research studies.

To access your Library resources, please visit the homepage

Please consult your Library Liaison directly for research assistance.

If your Librarian is unavailable, please contact the Library's Reference desk at (219) 989-2676 or click on the CHAT WITH A LIBRARIAN link below to submit a question or see answers to frequently asked questions.

Library Hours

Library staff members are available to assist you during library hours

Welcome Nursing 39000 Students!

This guide provides information on how to access and use library resources. It contains a range of useful information, from how to develop a basic search strategy to understanding the differences between primary and secondary sources.

Before selecting research articles, first view the appropriate LibGuide pages for your assignment.  

Just click on the tabs at the top of the page to discover more.

Online Reference Appointments

Students enrolled in an online degree program can request online reference appointments with the Nursing Librarian.

How to attend

Attending a virtual meeting is simple.  The librarian will send you an email invite with a meeting number, password and link to the meeting hosted by WebEx.  Just click on the link, a sign-up screen should pop up, type your name as you would like it to be displayed in the meeting, and join the meeting.  Enter the meeting number and password if requested.

WebEx can be accessed from a web browser on PC, Mac, and Linux environments.  Some systems may require you to upload WebEx.  Please open and run the program, you can delete the upload later by clearing your history. 

What to expect

When you join a meeting, you should see the name of librarian hosting the meeting.  You will have the opportunity to see the librarian’s computer screen in real time as conduct the webinar and demonstrate database searches.  There are chat and audio features for easier communication.

Need help joining a meeting?

Contact the librarian for an appointment - immediate appointments are available if scheduling permits. 

Library Liaison for Nursing Students & Faculty

Profile Photo
Marcia Keith
Student Union & Library Building: Rm 203-B
Subjects: Health, Nursing


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Monday 3/3 8:00-5:00 Remote


Hammond Campus
Wednesday 3/5 OFF
Thursday 3/6 8:00-5:00 Remote
Friday 3/7 8:00-4:30 Remote
Saturday 3/8 CLOSED
Sunday 3/9 12:00-5:00 Remote
__________ ____1/23_ _______________
Monday 3/10 OFF
Tuesday 3/11 8:00-8:00
Hammond Campus
Wednesday 3/12 8:00-5:00 Remote
Thursday 3/13 OFF
Friday 3/14 OFF
Saturday 3/15 CLOSED
Sunday 3/16 CLOSED


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