The most important part about searching for articles is identifying search terms, as the most effective terms can sometimes differ from the term used in day to day speech.
For the topic Focused Assessment, the following search terms will be useful:
You may search with just the phrase "focused assessment" or you may incorporate the below search terms.
Phrases are enclosed in quotes to direct the database to find these words together. Single words do not need quotes.
You search with all of these terms at once by separating them with the word OR as shown below. This directs the database to find any one of those terms in the articles in the search results. You can combine these terms with term focused, by entering this term on the second line of the advanced search:
This search will find articles that contain either the terms patient assessment, physical assessment, clinical assessment, nursing assessment, and also the term focused.
When searching make sure NOT to select the full text checkbox, as that option will limit your results to articles that are in CINAHL, instead of allowing you to have the option to search across all of our databases by selecting the "Check for Full Text Availability" link.