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Fake News, Misinformation & Disinformation

Fake news in the news

Fake News in the News

ABCNews: When Fake News Makes Real News Headline
About a fake story which was treated as real news. Traces some of the pipeline for developing and distributing fake news
The Atlantic: The Food Babe, Enemy of Chemicals
An examination of claims made by The Food Babe, with pointed analysis by professor Kevin Folta of the University of Florida
The Atlantic: The Rise of Progressive "Fake News"
This interview with Snopes editor Brooke Binkowski examines the emotional pull of fake news How do Fake News Sites Make Money?
An investigation into how profitable fake news can be.
CNN: Fake News, Real Violence
"Pizzagate" was a fake news story which connected a pizzeria with a child pornography ring allegedly run by Hillary Clinton and John Podesta. On Sunday, December 3, 2016, an armed shooter entered the pizzeria and fired a shot before being accosted by the police.
Global Challenges: Inoculating the Public against Misinformation about Climate Change
Covers a new theory about combating fake news known as "attitudinal inoculation" and follows two studies testing this method.
New York Times: How Fake News Goes Viral
From a single Tweeter with 35 friends to being shared over 400,000 times through various forums, this article traces a Tweet made November 9th, 2016.
NPR: How to Tell Real News from Fake News in 'Post-Truth' Era
This article discusses "post-truth", the idea that all news outlets will fail you eventually and it's impossible to know who to trust. It provides some commonsense advice on what to look for in a news outlet.
NPR: Students Have Dismaying Inability to Tell Fake News Apart
Many students cannot tell fake news from real news.
NPR: We Tracked Down a Fake-News Creator
About Jestin Coler, who began creating and distributing fake news in 2013.
TED: How to tell fake news from real news
A brief selection of things to look for when determining the fakeness of news.

Lost News and Preservation

How to Find Lost News
Internet Archive: Wayback Machine is a nonprofit digital library that archives web pages. To use its Wayback Machine, enter the URL of the site you are looking for. It will search for that address and display the page, if it is available.
End of Term Web Archive This site first harvested Federal Government web pages in 2008 at the end of the Bush administration and continues to ensure government information is accessible to the public.
Data Refuge archives federal data and supports climate and environmental research and advocacy.
How to Preserve Digital Information
Internet Archive: Wayback Machine You can add to the Internet Archive by copying and pasting the URL of the web page you would like to save. Developed by the Harvard Law School Library, archives web pages and makes them easily retrievable.
Examples of Lost News
Bustillos, M. (2018, Winter). Erasing history. Columbia Journalism Review. Retrieved from